Start and End date for Interval Playlists

Read 16613 times

For playlists of "interval" kind, I would suggest creating fields "start date" and "end date".

This is necessary in cases of marketing campaigns that begin on a date and end in another.
With this fields, it would not be necessary to remember to enable and disable the playlists.

This would happen automatically.

Has anyone had this need? As held?

Thank you,
Besides setting start and end date, another configuration option to playlits type "interval" would be to start time and end time, for use with vignettes and phrases within the scheduled programs.
Another suggestion, the type General Rotation playlists programmed by days of the week, As are the Scheduled types.
Incidentally, I do not know what  the existence of playlists, type "scheduled", would be more interesting, the model below:

New configuration for  programation of playlits:

Play Order: Sequential / Random

Weight: 1 to 20

Method of implementation:
1 - Diario (All days of the week)
2 - Weekly (opens options to mark the days of the week)
3 - Monthly (opens option to mark the day of the month)
4 - Annual (opens a calendar)

Starting Date: XX / XX / XXXX
End Date: XX / XX / XXXX
Start Time: XX: XX
End time: XX: XX

Interruptible: Yes / No
If "yes", other playlists can be merged with this in running.
If "no", opens the advanced options, below.

Advanced Options:
Runtime: XX minutes.
Audio file for opening: (Select an audio program to open this)
Audio file for foreclosure: (Select an audio for closure of this program)
Vignettes / Phrases of this program: (select a folder or playlits with vignettes and / or phrases for this program)
Interval for this group of vignettes: Each XX (minutes or songs)

If you like, vote. :)
I totally agree!
A playlist must have date
closure to suspend automatically without human intervention.
The playlist also have an option to repeat at certain intervals.
Really missing it!
Isso é muito importante e necessário.

Acredito ser uma necessidade urgente!!!

For playlists of "interval" kind, I would suggest creating fields "start date" and "end date".

This is necessary in cases of marketing campaigns that begin on a date and end in another.
With this fields, it would not be necessary to remember to enable and disable the playlists.

This would happen automatically.

Has anyone had this need? As held?

Thank you,

for the genre "Interval" playlist, I would also suggest the creation of the fields "from now" and "now." in addition to "date" fields

I think this is important, for example, to transmit commercials / jingles during certain hours of the day and not during other hours.

In order not to repeat this for every day, it would be necessary to create fields "repetition", as there are in other types of playlists.

Thank you

I think that it's very important, for every radio, please vote.

Besides setting start and end date, another configuration option to playlits type "interval" would be to start time and end time, for use with vignettes and phrases within the scheduled programs.
Another suggestion, the type General Rotation playlists programmed by days of the week, As are the Scheduled types.
Incidentally, I do not know what  the existence of playlists, type "scheduled", would be more interesting, the model below:

New configuration for  programation of playlits:

Play Order: Sequential / Random

Weight: 1 to 20

Method of implementation:
1 - Diario (All days of the week)
2 - Weekly (opens options to mark the days of the week)
3 - Monthly (opens option to mark the day of the month)
4 - Annual (opens a calendar)

Starting Date: XX / XX / XXXX
End Date: XX / XX / XXXX
Start Time: XX: XX
End time: XX: XX

Interruptible: Yes / No
If "yes", other playlists can be merged with this in running.
If "no", opens the advanced options, below.

Advanced Options:
Runtime: XX minutes.
Audio file for opening: (Select an audio program to open this)
Audio file for foreclosure: (Select an audio for closure of this program)
Vignettes / Phrases of this program: (select a folder or playlits with vignettes and / or phrases for this program)
Interval for this group of vignettes: Each XX (minutes or songs)

If you like, vote. :)