DISKWARN: /var/tmp on server

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every day when centova cast run the process every 12 hours I get a email saying  DISKWARN: /var/tmp on server   /tmp full

when I check centova cast creates a file of 3.8GB so I have increase the /tmp folder to 6GB and now happen the same thing, centova cast create a file of 5.8GB because didnt had more space.   basicly centova cast is creating a file without a limit.

the file say playlist_2014-01.csv
problem seemed to be that one station was changing the track info a few thousand times per minute, causing the playbackstats_tracks table to become huge. this was in turn causing Centova Cast to create huge reports for that station, using up all disk space
No, Looks like that is not the reason, the account was deleted and the problem continues.