Centova & Sam Broadcaster requests

Read 11957 times
I'm a noob in radio streaming and I use Sam Broadcaster v4 for streaming. All works fine except request option, I want to use the Centova request widget with Sam Broadcaster. How do I linke these two? In Sam I have to approve IP addresses for requests for ex. request.audiorealm.com (default) what is this for Centova?

Thank you!
I don't think its really possible to combine SAM Broadcaster requests with Centova Cast Requests widget, since its 2 different databases, in 2 different places.

What you would want to do is setup a form like Centova Cast has, and link it to SAM Broadcasters database that is located on your Localhost (Or where ever you have SAM setup at).
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Centova Cast's song request is for when you use the autoDJ while SamBroadcaster's song request is for when you broadcast using SamBroadcaster (so live)

Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 10:00:31 am by AlexiuB