Auto DJ working but reports as 'off' on userpanel

Read 10326 times
Hey guys, strange issue I'm having with one of my stations. I have autodj running, and I can listen fine, etc, but it's being reported as off in the user panel?

Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I've restarted the server and autodj a few times, and autodj, but now keep getting emails telling me my server is restarting even though the stream is solid. Very strange. Will keep trying to resolve this issue in case it is user error but it appears to be something intrinsic to centova.
Sorry to double post but please see attached image. 66 notifications of a restarted server so far, and happens every few minutes. It only happens on one of my accounts, but still, thought I should flag it. I may just recreate that radio and see if it reoccurs.

That happens when you get two copies of the autoDJ running and the one that Centova Cast *doesn't* expect to be running ends up remaining connected to the server.

There are a few ways that can happen but the most common is if you kick the autoDJ.  See the "Source status: remote" section of this article.
I tried and failed. The command ps aux | grep ices | grep USERNAME does not resolve to any commands here on my Linux.

I'm using version:

Web Interface System Information
Version number   3.0.0rc2.20130225.139r2079
Build date   2013-02-25

ShoutCast DNAS v2.x
sc_trans v2

The Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification shows clients and employers that you are skilled in designing, implementing, and administering infrastructures for business solutions based on Family Windows Server.
If you're using sctrans then no, you will not, of course, find any ices processes.  grep for sc_trans instead.
Hey Steve, thanks for the reply. Indeed, it sounds like that could have been the issue, but I didn't kick the auto DJ at any point. I eventually deleted that station and recreated it, only to find that it exhibited the same behaviour. I eventually deleted it and renamed it at which point it worked ok.

I should mention I have other stations running which are all ok, on the same server with the same set up etc (Shoutcast/sctrans) so don't think it's something to do with my set up.

More strange still, and I think related, is this, which has only just occurred. I create a new station, upload media through the upload media window (a couple of tracks), hit start auto DJ, which returns a successful activation message, and then the auto DJ still show itself as off.

Additionally, when seen from an admin log in, it reports everything as on via the images, but that the station is offline, as per this screen shot.

I will keep working through and report any finding I have on this. Maybe it's something I'm doing wrong, but can't imagine what. But yeah, I'll report back if I find a way to resolve this.

I'm running Centova Cast on Cent OS 6 if that is of any interest.

(PS, with this latest station I've not even set up a DJ to connect. This error happens before I even got any music playing through this station at all).
As promised, I found a solution. I did a full restart of my server and databases etc and it all seems to have corrected. I have no idea what could have caused it but will notify you guys if I can trigger the same problem.

Currently, fingers crossed, I'm hoping it was just a one off glitch. Still, seemed strange.