Upgrading to v.2.2.7

Read 5909 times
Hi. I'm trying to upgrade from version 2.2.6 to 2.2.7, but I can't. I have PHP v. 5.3. must I need 5.4? Thanks.
No, you don't necessarily need to have PHP 5.4 ; any of the PHP v4.3+ or PHP v5.0-5.3 are also supported
If I try to upgrading, it says me the I need Ioncube Loaders 5.4, and I have the 5.3... And if I load the 5.4 Ioncube Loaders, also don't works... I have upgraded from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6 without problem last year... Thanks!
With PHP 5.3 and Ioncube Loader 5.3, the upgrade says that:

PHP Fatal error:  The file /home/centovacast-2.2.7/system/upgradeutil.php cannot be decoded
by this version of the ionCube Loader.

And I can't use Ioncube loaders 5.4 with PHP 5.4... Any solution? Thanks.