From Centovacast support:
1. Edit /etc/crontab and remove any cron jobs containing the word "centovacast".
2. Delete the /home/centovacast/ directory.
3. Remove the "centovacast" user account (i.e., "userdel centovacast").
4. Delete the Centova Cast MySQL database.
5. Delete the Centova Cast files from your web root.
6. If FTP integration was configured automatically by the installer, you can remove it as follows:
a. For ProFTPd, edit /etc/proftpd.conf (or /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf, depending on your Linux distribution) and remove any lines containing the word "centovacast".
b. For Pure-FTPd on CPanel servers, edit /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd, search for "centovacast-pureauth" and replace it with "pureauth".
9. If FTP integration was configured manually by yourself, you can remove it by reversing the steps you followed in the installation guide.