I found this script while hunting for a way to deter streamrippers. Is it possible to implement it on Centova?
# Smoothbeats Anti-Ripping Technology (ART)
# Written for Smoothbeats.com
use strict;
use LWP::Simple qw($ua get);
use LWP::UserAgent;
# ****************************************
# Script settings
my $server="your_server";
my $port = "8000";
my $password = "your_password";
my $art_freq = 110; # How frequently should the ART message be displayed?
my $art_delay = 10; # How long should the ART message be displayed for?
my $art_message = "Dynamic Range Radio";
# ****************************************
my($title, $last_update);
# LWP settings for http request
http://proxy.com:8080'); # Uncomment if you need to configure a proxy
while(1) {
# Retrieve current title
$title = (getdata($server, $port))[6];
# Update title with ART message
&settitle($server, $port, $art_message, $password);
$last_update = time;
# Set title back
&settitle($server, $port, $title, $password);
sub getdata {
my($server, $port) = @_;
# Get content from 7.html
$content = get("http://$server:$port/7");
# Parse fields from content
(@data) = ($content =~ m/<body>(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*)<\/body>/is);
sub settitle {
my($server, $port, $title, $password) = @_;
$content = get("http://$server:$port/admin.cgi?mode=updinfo&song=$title&pass=$password");