Configuration problem after install!

Read 7724 times
Hi. After install, on my screen apear this: "Error: Could not locate Centova Cast system files. open_basedir restrictions have been detected in your PHP configuration; this is the most likely cause for this error. Please check your php.ini and ensure that it matches the published requirements for Centova Cast."

I verified the config.php file and does not seem to have a problem... The open_basedir is disabled!

Thanks !
The open_basedir is disabled!
If you're getting that error, then open_basedir is not disabled.  Most likely you're editing the wrong php.ini file.
now i have 2 problems..  :o

Centova Cast's diagnostics detected one or more problems:

Checking disabled functions   Warning
One or more functions have been disabled which may or may not interfere with Centova Cast operation; disabled functions include:
Checking PHP CLI binary   Failed
- Found v5.2.17 (cli); php.ini in /etc/php.ini (or /etc/php.d); One or more functions are disabled which may prevent correct operation
Centova Cast needs an unrestricted environment in order to run properly.
So you would need to remove all the functions from the disabled list.