centova - a lot of queries to MYSQL

Read 3603 times
Hello. I`m see a lot of queries from centovacast to the Mysql server (about 800 per minute), can you optimize it in next builds?

The only situations in which you'd see a high query volume from Centova Cast would be when a very resource-intensive operation is taking place (eg: log processing, which should only run for a few minutes, or when users are initially uploading a large number of tracks to the media library, etc), or if your Centova Cast installation is being hammered with requests, either from a very active user base or from a denial of service attack.

I'm looking at a production server right now with a half-dozen active streams and no recent media uploads, and it's hovering around 0.5 queries per second.  Centova Cast makes heavy use of caching (both server-side and client-side) throughout its entire web interface, so for smaller installations that should be about typical.

If you're seeing generally high query volume when you're not expecting it, you should probably investigate where those queries are coming from (eg: SHOW PROCESSLIST).  It may not even be Centova Cast-related.

Also bear in mind that if you're running a really busy server and checking your stats during peak usage periods, 13 queries/sec isn't really unreasonable.  If you have users constantly fiddling with their media libraries/etc., every time they view a new artist/album/playlist/etc., or make any changes to them, at least one query will be required.  That adds up quickly.