ssl certificaat in https

Read 9310 times
Hellow there

I'm a dutch guy and have a centos 7 server with a working centovacast.
shoutcast v1 & v2 and icecast is be installed but i have problem to make a icecast stream with working ssl

I don't understand everything about the steps on centovacast and follow a lot's of  topics but there is no simple step by step instruction how to setup from a icecast stream in a good working https icecast stream with safety "s"

i know you need a certificate and i know let's encrypt is free.... but i don't understand how to install this on the server? i have a webpage thats working good in https and my hoster installed a let's encrypt on th webserver.

is there somebody the let me know how to install from a working centovacast tot working icecast stream in https?
You can find instructions here:

This is not what the OP is asking, however, this would be a starting point for getting a certificate, which you can then use to secure Icecast streams.

The following thread, explains how to do the latter.

You can find instructions here:

This is not what the OP is asking, however, this would be a starting point for getting a certificate, which you can then use to secure Icecast streams.

The following thread, explains how to do the latter.


and i see the step 2 i don't understand how to start with that.
here is my first problem.

"Get your certificate, format the certificate in PEM format, include the private key and entire trust chain.  Pay very close attention to how you create this file.  If you do not copy and paste things properly, you will have problems.  Instructions are here:"

Where is my certificate???
than format the certificate in PEM ??? >> i'm not understanding this  :o

pleasse help to give me help instructions to get a full sll working icecast or shoutvast v2 stream in https.
my webpage is all ready with https and sll

note: i have a centos 7 server and not debian or ubuntu!
Last Edit: June 02, 2018, 09:55:50 am by topdance

You just concatenate the cert.pem and the private key into one file, cert first, and key last.
Just wanted to share a small script I have that will convert a SHOUTcast/Icecast streams from HTTP to HTTPS,  download, unzip and upload the package to your website (website must already support SSL), edit index.php file change lines $server, $port and $mountpoint

So when you upload to your website the final URL would look something like

If you have multiple streams/mount points just duplicate the folder for each one

This only works for the stream! Changing the SHOUTcast/Icecast DNAS page to HTTPS is a little harder and would still cause problems if your player displays the currently playing track/artist since that would still be un-secure.

Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 05:14:41 am by Roger
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting
SHOUTcast Widgets
Just wanted to share a small script I have that will convert a SHOUTcast/Icecast streams from HTTP to HTTPS,  download, unzip and upload the package to your website (website must already support SSL), edit index.php file change lines $server, $port and $mountpoint

So when you upload to your website the final URL would look something like

If you have multiple streams/mount points just duplicate the folder for each one

This only works for the stream! Changing the SHOUTcast/Icecast DNAS page to HTTPS is a little harder and would still cause problems if your player displays the currently playing track/artist since that would still be un-secure.


Hello, can you share again please? Aparently has ben removed :(