recenttracks https

Read 4567 times

is it possible to load / show the images from https sites?
Good question. Want to +1 this.

It's good providing ssl for clients, but when the images are still servered over http, giving warnings in the address bar, it kinda gets them doubting security. I could fix it myself but the php is encrypted.
Hello Ripshod,

What exactly is that you want to show and where?
Thank you Roger,
In the meantime I found a solution.
It appears that accounts made before switching to https still serverd track images over http.
After remaking the affected accounts the error is gone.

Everything is good :D
Last Edit: December 12, 2015, 04:15:08 am by Ripshod

what have u done, to serv only image from https?

or is it possible to download all images found by tracks in the playlist to serv them local from htts?
so what options i have, to enable https without making the account new?