Disable Open_basedir subdomain

Read 11991 times
I decided to move my centova installation from domain/cast/ to it's own sub-domain eg: stream.xxx.tdl

followed the directions of the install script by the letter just like the first smooth installation to include the vhost.conf to get around the annoying plesk panel way of doing thing's. however...

ive used the below in what ever variation i can think of

<Directory /var/www/vhosts/YOURDOMAIN.COM/httpdocs>
php_admin_value open_basedir none
php_admin_value safe_mode Off
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/YOURDOMAIN.COM/httpdocs/cast/start>
AllowOverride All

even so much as attempted the /var/www/vhosts/domain/subdomain/yadda/httpdocs>

reconfigured the sub-domain restarted the server and it just basicly sat there looking at me stupid, worked flawlessly with the domain/cast as i said but i have a tendency to break things when their all in a nice place and figured the sub domain would be the logical option as i have to make real effort to screw things up within there, alas not the case.

has anyone got this working within plesk 10.3.1x64  running centOS5

my diagnostic is here if it helps any all php version info and such is included if it means anything
Running MySQL: 5.5.14

and if it helps motivate you any, think of me banging my head against said screen on today which is my birthday  >:(

and yes, i googled first ;)
Is this a new install?

I'm presuming that you have actually changed the words YOURDOMAIN.COM to the subdomain?? (Sorry, but I had to ask...)

Plesk can be very annoying in this respect, but it should be possible to do.

You also need to ensure that you reload the webserver AND restart it just because of the way that plesk works.
yes mark, i posted the above as an example but all paths and domains reflect the place im trying to point too, and yes again, this is a clean install onto a sub domain rather than having domain/cast/ apache get's reloaded each and every time i edit the vhost.conf file within the subdomain folder, and still no go