Report Stats Issue

Read 5938 times
Hi Steve,
I see in Report Stats:  in Tab  Historical, the Listener Minutes Graphic display always 0.
This beaviour is in all the CC3 panels I have.

Is it a bug?

Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
I have the same error .. here is what they said ...

You're still on the unstable (beta) branch of Centova Cast, and need to switch to the stable branch to receive the fixes we've been pushing out.

The problem was indeed that the log processor was running out of memory due to the heavy caching we do to reduce database access. It seems that one of your clients must (8050, I believe it was) must play a huge number of short tracks each month or something to that effect, as the number of tracks in his log file was exhausting the 128MB limit we set as an "emergency brake".

I have modified our log processing code to purge old entries from the cache as it approaches the memory limit, which should solve this issue at the expense of some loss of performance. I'll look at making the PHP memory limit user-configurable in a future release so that clients with abundant memory don't have to compromise.

The new build is available on our download servers now and you can update by running /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update. I didn't do this for you in case you have any customizations on your server that you need to back up, etc.


I posted instructions for doing so on the forums at the time of release, here's a link for your convenience:

I'm not buying that one.  I have the same problem, and I'm on the most recent stable release.


I have the same error .. here is what they said ...

You're still on the unstable (beta) branch of Centova Cast, and need to switch to the stable branch to receive the fixes we've been pushing out.

The problem was indeed that the log processor was running out of memory due to the heavy caching we do to reduce database access. It seems that one of your clients must (8050, I believe it was) must play a huge number of short tracks each month or something to that effect, as the number of tracks in his log file was exhausting the 128MB limit we set as an "emergency brake".

I have modified our log processing code to purge old entries from the cache as it approaches the memory limit, which should solve this issue at the expense of some loss of performance. I'll look at making the PHP memory limit user-configurable in a future release so that clients with abundant memory don't have to compromise.

The new build is available on our download servers now and you can update by running /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update. I didn't do this for you in case you have any customizations on your server that you need to back up, etc.


I posted instructions for doing so on the forums at the time of release, here's a link for your convenience:
And I don't have this issue for some reason. Lucky I guess...
Stream101 || Affordable Media Solutions | (616) 277-7280
Figured it out.  There's a cron task that needs to be in place for the stats to be updated, and I didn't have one for some reason, so I added one as root.

It's supposed to run twice a day, but I looked at mine while it was running, and it doesn't seem to take that long or put much load on the server, so I set it up to run once an hour (I hope this won't break anything, but it doesn't appear to.)

My task runs fifteen minutes after the hour, once an hour.  My crontab line looks like this:

/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob all

I suspect this also runs the license check, so doing this every hour is probably a bad thing, come to think of it. You may want to run yours twice a day instead as per normal.

That CRON job:
/usr/local/centovacast/bin/ccmanage cronjob all

is supposed to run every 5 minutes.
and it should run as "centovacast"
not as root.