"Now Playing" Javascript widget doesn't work after V3 upgrade

Read 23992 times
The old one worked on V2, the new one on V3 doesn't, and I have no clue why or where to start diagnosing this.  It displays the "Loading" message, but it never comes back with any data.

I've tested to make sure that the streaminfo.js file is accessible - it is if I access that Javascript directly via URL.  I'm using a Wordpress site, and the streaminfo.js loaded correctly from the same location on the page.

Just to see if it was having a problem with the port number, I copied the streaminfo.js file into the main web directory for the Wordpress site, and adjusted the URL in the script sourcing for that file. 

I note that this is a recurring problem, not a common one, but non-zero.

Does anybody know what to look at or how I can fix this?

Here's the odd bit: it works on the stream start page.  But the same code doesn't work on my Wordpress site.

Actually, scratch that, it's not showing the current song accurately there either.  There appears to be significant lag, up to a minute or more.
Anybody got a clue?
All I see is errors..  :(

And the start page shows offline.
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
Had this problem last week on a new instal, Try changing to stable version, then update  /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update


My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
Had this problem last week on a new instal, Try changing to stable version, then update  /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update


Already on a stable version, but thanks.
Had this on Joomla. It is all about JQuery. Look these treads.



Aha, a clue!  Thanks so much, this may save me a ton of time.
Well, tragically, that was a dead end. 

I'm frankly surprised that Centova would create something so essential and not check to make sure it was compatible with the environments in which the v2.6 equivalent ran in.  This is so important a feature to our listeners that I wouldn't have upgraded had I known this would break.
have you tried to run the update script lately? If not in the past couple weeks I am almost sure you need to update -- if that's not it so sorry but I had this same issue and /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update cleared it up
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
have you tried to run the update script lately? If not in the past couple weeks I am almost sure you need to update -- if that's not it so sorry but I had this same issue and /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/update cleared it up

I'll try doing that. 

I ran Firebug on a test page containing nothing but the "Now Playing" code, and it kicked back an RCP error:

jsonp1366408262015({"type":"error","rid":"tranceilfm","error":"Unable to access account : Invalid username or password"})

No idea what this means, but I'll try the upgrade first and see if that clears it.
The upgrade script fails:

Verifying archive integrity ...
Unpacking archive ...

Installing shoutcast ...

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Sorry, an error occurred while unpacking ShoutCast DNAS.
Installer exited with error, aborting

Here's a new clue:  I went to the Centova-generated start page for my stream, and copied and pasted the code directly into an html file in my web root directory.

It failed.

Neither the Now Playing div nor the Playlist div were able to access the information they needed.  They're both stuck on "Loading...".

The identical code works in the original Start page, but nowhere else.
Oookay.  There is no package called 'shoutcast', but the Centova update program seems to think there is and tries to update it anyway.  I probably specified an incorrect package to add during setup, but there seems to be no way to clear this error, and the Centova scripts did not detect the fact that this package does not exist and added it to the manifest anyway.  Thereupon causing every attempt to update Centova to fail with no direct way to repair it.