Problem With Limitation Timetable In Playlists General Rotation

Read 4149 times
Use Centova Cast 2.2.8 and have 2 general rotation playlists configured as follows :

Playlist 1: Enabled 00:00 to 05:00
Playlist 2 : Activated from 05:00 to 00:00

Occurs only in the period between 22:00 to 00:00 , the period of time the playlists above is not complied with , both playing random tracks from playlists . Remember that is configured GMT -02:00 . My host contact support Centova got the following response about the problem:

" You must have a general rotation playlist running 24 hours. This playlist is used as a ' prevention ' in the case of Centova Cast find any scenario where you need to find some music, but there is no other scheduled active playlist . In all general rotation playlists are active with a time constraint event, Centova Cast will ignore the scheduling / restricting them and treat them as if they were active all day "

In short , they claim that you can not have all active general rotation playlists with time constraint . This information really accurate?

If this information is correct , then it makes sense to have the ability to limit the hours of general rotation playlists , since to work , you need a 3rd general rotation playlist active 24 hours, ie without time restriction .