One out of 5 accounts 1 accounts Auto DJ space shows RED and no matter what

Read 3926 times
I have 5 accounts on Centova 3.0 out of the 5 accounts I have that is showing in the red with this as the disk space that (after I doubled it to see if that would fix it) 4194304/8G as you can see 4,194,304 is a lot less then 8Gig of space this just happened out of the blue. I have tried running update, fix parms and nothing seems to work....

Anyone have any ideas what causing this and how to fix it?

I fixed the issue I had to go into the Data and change the cache for that account and it stopped showing red on the disk usage.

I figured I would pass on my fix in case this happened to anyone else.
Can someone explain the fix to this??


I found an interesting fix to this myself recently..

Wait an hour or so.. come back.. and it updates it self correctly.

Happened again to me a day or so ago.. same procedure. Leave it as it is..  and come back in a few hours.

Something is just not updating in real time!
You can manually update the quota by logging in to the client account, going into the file manager, and clicking on the disk space usage meter in the lower-righthand corner.