Google Maps GeoIP character encoding issue

Read 4417 times
I have a problem.

The names of the cities it contains accents and they appear like this:

Jer?006e0069006do Monteiro, Brazil
Vit?007200690061, Brazil

How to fix this?
Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 12:14:36 pm by Centova - Steve B.
The names of the cities it contains accents and they appear like this:

Jer?006e0069006do Monteiro, Brazil
Vit?007200690061, Brazil
Hmm, that's most likely a character encoding bug in Centova Cast.  Is this on your start page or do you have the maps widget embedded in an external web page?
own page in the Centova
Already redid all the steps and the error is still within the webpage centovacast listeners.
Already redid all the steps and the error is still within the webpage centovacast listeners.
That's probably because I didn't give you any steps. :)

Could you please send me (via PM if necessary) the IP addresses that are exhibiting this encoding issue?  You can omit the last octet for privacy if you like (eg: 10.2.3.x instead of