SSL Configuration for V3 Help

Read 2639 times
I am running CWP Pro on a server that has couple of sites hosted and are working fine.
I have installed Centovacast and all radio streams are working fine.
Server host name is working fine as I can load the CWP panel and green lock shows that SSL is working.
When I try to login to Centovacast like,, It loads on Chrome and Opera but no SSL (I have to go through the warning) and Firefox doesn't load at all as it comes back with error: Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue

Question? Where do I change any settings in Centovacst to use the Letsencrypt cert that is already being used for the server?
I have multiple servers and a wild card SSL cert and I'm trying to get it working with CCast and I'll post when I find the answer on how I got it working.

To Be Updated 8)
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999
I followed the instruction for installing a valid SSL and now I can not login so I copied the original certs back to the SSL cert directory and still fails. I guess I'm back to square 1 again and maybe this time CentovaCast will install properly. Plus I paid for help 10 days ago and still haven't heard from anyone so I canceled the support ticket. You'd think that if you pay for support you'd get it but I can't even get a reply. Good thing they're not asking for a recommendation from me today because I'd not be very nice.
Tommy TBones
Broadcasting Indie Music since March 1999