
Read 7021 times
Hi there

Are there any plans to introduce an Overlap feature, rather than a Crossfade function? I see this question was asked on the forums in 2009 but I can't any other comment about this on the forums.

Basically, will there be a way to set an Overlap of, say, 2 seconds so that as your previous song is fading out, that your next song starts playing before the previous song fades out completely? Crossfade is of no use to me, I need to be able to overlap.



If any of the autoDJs supported by Centova Cast (sc_trans, sc_trans2, ices, ices2) add this, then yes, we will add options to the user interface to configure it.  None presently support this.
Am I losing my mind or isn't that what crossfade is?  IE Its been doing it for years?
Am I losing my mind or isn't that what crossfade is?  IE Its been doing it for years?
There are different styles of crossfading, and different people have different names for each, eg: track 1 fades out while track 2 starts full volume (as kevinb referred to as "overlap"), track 1 fades out while track 2 fades in (traditional crossfade), track 1 plays to completion at full volume while track 2 fades in, track 1 and 2 mix together at full volume, etc.

ices 0.4.2 gives you the choice between traditional crossfade and  "crossmixing" (mixing track 1 and 2 together at full volume) and I believe sc_trans v1 had a couple of fade options available, but I don't see any similar options in sc_trans v2 which is what most folks are using these days.