Just Showin Off ..

Read 3381 times
Just had show everyone my new order process, with WHMCS and Centova v3 I at last have a 100% fully automated system, from orders to upgrades clients can choose exactly the amount of resources they need and instantly make changes.

Would like to thank Steve for the extra work they put in on this WHMCS module, I still have a problem with mountpoints getting deleted with SHOUTcast 2 upgrades  but I see just yesterday he has corrected that in the latest beta version, but over all -- great job this will saved me so much work with upgrades/downgrades and there is no longer a need to create dozens of packages in WHMCS, only 4 are needed, SHOUTcast 2, SHOUTcast 1 and Icecast, and one for Resellers, it's easy to modify the prices if you ever choose to raise or lower them,

Check out my order process, just click on a server type and you'll see the sliders so clients can choose their listener quota, disk space, mountpoints and bitrate

Anyone that wants to do this on their site, it takes a little time setting things up but it's worth it, I have already seen a sales increase just because of the flexibility clients have when building their server.

Instructions for this method start at #14
Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 01:58:26 pm by My Auto DJ
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com