recent tracks displays metadata from both /live and /autodj

Read 3825 times
in overview and recent tracks:
- when a live source is connected, the mountpoint takes over correctly, but the "recent tracks" widget will take over metadata from both /autodj and /live mountpoints. so, whenever one of the sources sends metadata, the widgets will display them.

I suppose that this is not a normal behavior.

thank you for your help!
This is how v2 operates as well.

Unfortunately IceCast only logs which mount point the song was played on -- it DOESN'T log which mount point was active at the time the song was played.  So Centova Cast doesn't have any reliable way to determine which track was actually aired on the public stream.

The common suggestion is to stop showing tracks played on /autodj once we see a /live entry in the log... but then, how do we know when to stop looking for /live entries and go back to /autodj?  We can't just wait until x minutes have elapsed with no updates on /live, because the live DJ could be playing a 1-2hr mix.  Worse, what if the live DJ has metadata updates turned off entirely?

In a nutshell, IceCast doesn't really offer a solid solution for this other than turning off the autoDJ once you've (seamlessly) transitioned to your live broadcast.
Thank you, Steve, for your reply! It makes sense.

The workaround that I found was to use the data pulled from streaminfo.get (which shows the data about the track currently on the public stream) and store it in a different file on the server. Then, the last-played widget can be generated from that data.