Spotting Duplicates

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When housekeeping, it'd help a lot if there were a way to see songs which might have been added to the playlists multiple times (possibly in error) and also any tracks that are omitted from any playlist.

In a previous system I used, I'd sort the playlist alphabetically and any dupes were obvious, but we can't sort alphabetically here.

Live365 used to have a handy feature where you'd tick a box to hide songs which were already in the playlist, so any that had been forgotten were obvious.  I guess Centova won't be able to do that until you ditch those wretched album folders and display their contents by default instead...

Cheers guys.
I agree that some mechanism for spotting duplicates would be useful.

Similarly, it would be good if when adding tracks to a playlist duplicates could be skipped (maybe the way iTunes asks if you want to skip or add duplicates).
It's been my experience if you move all the tracks in one playlist to another the duplicates are removed...
Definitely a useful option.  I've added the following to our issue tracker:

Consider adding two duplicate detection options:
1) A way to detect duplicates within the current playlist in the playlist editor.  So for example, if the same track is added twice, both instances might be highlighted in red.
2) A way to detect duplicates between multiple playlists.  This would likely need to be proactively initiated by the user somehow (i.e., a "Check for dupes against other playlists" button) unlike #1 above which could unobtrusively be set to run automatically.  The UI could be similar though -- tracks in the current playlist that appear elsewhere could be highlighted (perhaps in a different shade of red) and either a new column could be added, or a tooltip could be used, to indicate which other playlist(s) the track appears in.

In a previous system I used, I'd sort the playlist alphabetically and any dupes were obvious, but we can't sort alphabetically here.

This will also be addressed in a future release -- a revamp of the DHTML listboxes we use in the media library is high on our todo list, and it will include a bunch of new sorting options and general AJAXy goodness.