AutoDJ Playlist Selection

Read 1809 times
I have three groups of general rotation playlists with an activation period selected. Centova Cast is selecting songs from these playlists exclusively and ignoring five general rotation playlists that have no time period selected. I have looked at the logs to verify this.

This playlist configuration is not new, perhaps a problem with the latest update.
I was using "active from" time settings in general rotation playlists to avoid repeating songs and have since changed all playlists to be active all day. I am still hoping this issue gets addressed.
I reported the same thing earlier:

Our hosting company reported it a month ago and nobody from Centovacast has yet even looked at it.
We even set up a brand new stream with one general rotation list that is always active and one general rotation list that is only active from 5pm to 5:15pm.   autoDJ plays from the 5pm list all day!

The "active from" and "active until"  times are being ignored in the latest release 3.2.1.  The feature had worked perfectly for 2 year until our server was updated on 7/22/2017.   We rely on this feature to play the next talk track in a series at the same time each day.