One bug & one question

Read 5308 times
Little bug: when you start or stop or restart a server in the panel, the overwiev is not upated. You need to refresh the page or click on overwiew link to see the real status of the server.

When the panel will be definitive (not a beta), it still use the 2199 port or the normal 80 port?
I see now the proxy 80 does'n work. Do it depend becouse the panel is using 2199 port insted the 80?
Newradio Streaming & Radio Tools
Little bug: when you start or stop or restart a server in the panel, the overwiev is not upated. You need to refresh the page or click on overwiew link to see the real status of the server.
That's not a bug.  At the time you click "Stop server" the server is running, so all the notices on the page will reflect that.

The only ways to work around that would be to delay the generation of the page until AFTER the server/source have stopped (which would cause a pronounced lag of several seconds in between clicking "Stop server" and seeing the "Server stopped" page, which I feel is inacceptable) or switching to an AJAX mechanism for stopping/starting streams, which will require a LOT more work but is what we intend to do in a future version.

When the panel will be definitive (not a beta), it still use the 2199 port or the normal 80 port?
2199 is the permanent port number of Centova Cast v3.  If you don't like it you can change it in the configuration files, but lots of our clients run web servers on port 80 on their Centova Cast machines so we don't want to conflict with those.

I see now the proxy 80 does'n work. Do it depend becouse the panel is using 2199 port insted the 80?
I'm not aware of any reason it shouldn't work (haven't tested it recently -- may be a bug in v3), but now that we are in control of the web/application server stack we can much more efficiently proxy ShoutCast connections through nginx without incurring all the drawbacks of PHP-based proxying.  So in short, a much better alternative is on the horizon.