Intervals aren't working at all in playlists

Read 3814 times
I can't seem to get an interval to work for my station ID, I want to have mini advertisements.
I have enabled the interval playlist and set the interval to different lengths as well as restarted the server several times, and it just wont play my media, what's going on??
IS A BUG from liquidsoap

check that all your files are stereo if the the autodj is set for stereo, if autodj is set to mono all your files have to be mono until centova fix the bug
Update, Liquidsoap BUG

Tech Support responded:

I don't know why it's doing that. I have speculated that perhaps Liquidsoap is miscalculating the length of the 1hr track as 4min, and as a result, it's contacting Centova Cast (pre-emptively) to ask for the next track after only 4 minutes. That's just speculation, but based on the logs, that's all I can think of at the moment. But I want to be clear that Centova Cast is not deliberately inserting a track between the 1hr tracks. Liquidsoap is asking for the next track about 56 minutes too early, so Centova Cast is correctly trying to fill the 56 minute period before the second 1hr track is supposed to start.

I will continue to experiment with Liquidsoap as time permits and see if I can identify any reason for this behavior, as obviously it's causing problems and that's not what we want. Please understand, however, that Liquidsoap is doing this -- it's not a bug in Centova Cast itself, and as a result :

I cannot promise a workaround in any particular time frame; issues in Centova Cast itself will need to take priority. If you need a solution for your client, I suggest using ices-cc instead as I cannot guarantee that it's even possible to change this behavior in Liquidsoap. If I am able to identify the problem and find a workaround, however, I will let you know as soon as I do.

So, with ICESS-CC you will go back to the previous version limititalios and you will loose the new cool features like the avility to allow Djs to use their own passwords to stream live, AutoDJ aac and a few more cool new things will be lost, also, If you already have some accounts with liquidsoap you will need to delete the account and create anew account with ICESS-CC to be able to use the AutoDJ intervals.

 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\