Licensing error

Read 5526 times
Do not know if this is related... but I got an Licensing Error on one of my servers
Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 03:17:47 pm by Centova - Steve B.
Getting same Licensing error.  Hope this gets fixed soon!
Getting same Licensing error.  Hope this gets fixed soon!
Nobody should be receiving licensing errors right now except for a select few folks who regularly let their licenses go into suspension.  Dennis, I've contacted you via email for details.
Split topic into its own thread as it is not related to the thread it was posted in.
Getting same Licensing error.  Hope this gets fixed soon!

This issue has been fixed via PM, a simple restart was necessary on one of the client's servers.
This issue has been fixed via PM, a simple restart was necessary on one of the client's servers.

Confirmed, there was a timing issue with our license regeneration during the recovery that affected a very small number of clients -- if anyone is experiencing licensing problems, simply run:

/etc/init.d/centovacast restart

On the off chance that you still have a licensing problem after restarting, please immediately PM your actual license key (in /usr/local/centovacast/etc/license.conf) to centovasupport here on the forums and we will investigate immediately.

The very reason why it's taking so long to get the secure server back up is because we're trying to eliminate ANY possibility of licensing interruption when it comes back up, so any licensing issues happening NOW are of course our top priority.
The restart sorted me out a while ago.. sorry I did not update the tread..
I am having the same issue + cron job issue + settings issue!

I don't know what my licence is! I would like the centova cast to take care of my problem since the cp is down!
I don't say that they are ignoring me but they don't do anything!