Could not open PID file

Read 7860 times
Anyone ever have this error on their v2 server?

Anyone knows how to fix this? Seems to happen on all of our servers.... doesn't hurt anything, but I just don't like seeing red.

ERROR   [MAIN] Could not open PID file `/usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/' for writing (Permission denied)

The error message that you've mentioned is entirely harmless. Centova Cast keeps track of Shoutcast's PID itself and does not need Shoutcast's PID file.

Unfortunately there is no option to change the path to dnas2's pid file nor turn it off. Shoutcast always wants to create it in whatever directory it started up in (in this case /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2), and that directory is not writable, thus the error.
Unfortunately there is no option to change the path to dnas2's pid file nor turn it off.
There's a "pidfile" config option (since v2.2.2 based on centova feedback iirc ;) ) that allows the location to be changed.

Thanks DrO! The documentation mentions that leaving it to "pidfile=" disables it, but this doesn't seem to work. But changing the path does the trick! I've passed this on to our developers.
Unfortunately there is no option to change the path to dnas2's pid file nor turn it off.
There's a "pidfile" config option (since v2.2.2 based on centova feedback iirc ;) ) that allows the location to be changed.

Where exactly is this file located? I have the same problem and you seem to have solved it, but you're not sharing any information about the solution.
Where exactly is this file located? I have the same problem and you seem to have solved it, but you're not sharing any information about the solution.

yes, I agree with you. I don't see any solution :/