Centova Cast - New Version .... When?

Read 47489 times

Gone almost 1 year without any new update on this system and are many thinks to fix or to change/add.

When we will see a new version of Centova Cast released? Or the development on this system has been left? :-(
When we will see a new version of Centova Cast released?

I can't give you a definite ETA on that, but the v3.0 alpha is set to go out to testers very soon now, in the next week or two I suspect.

Or the development on this system has been left? :-(

Anything but.  v3.0 is by far the largest development effort we've ever undertaken.  It may even represent more work than went into developing the initial v1.0 release.

The reasons why will become evident when it's released, but suffice to say, it's a big one. :)
and thanks for replay...

Will be great if i can be a part from your testers, as i have a big experience on streaming ;)

Best regards,

 I also am waiting for the new version since long ago. I hope soon we can enjoy the awaited new version.  :):D
Any idea's when the new version is going to be launched! You mentioned back in April that it was coming out soon, obviously that was a number of months back now!!

Please give us an update!




Any idea's when the new version is going to be launched! You mentioned back in April that it was coming out soon

Or rather, that it was going out to testers soon. :)

It is indeed out to our testing team now and they are working hard on finding and reporting bugs.  As I mentioned before this is a huge, huge update -- we're aiming to support a range of new technologies in the near future so we have made a number of major architectural changes resulting in a large percentage of the code being rewritten -- so we won't feel comfortable releasing it until it's seen a LOT of testing.

But so far it's looking very good... probably in no small part because it's been in testing internally for so long as well, so our own staff has already found and fixed the majority of the major/obvious bugs.

We're aiming for a public release at some point later in the summer... stay tuned!
Really looking forward to this!
Yes, all of us that we use to build radios Centova professionals waiting anxiously for this update of the system. Have begun to emerge in the market competitors operating in clound, and as a pioneer Centova must accelerate the process of system updates. We're all rooting for this new version and it is a new milestone for cloud-based automation professional.
Don't forgot to include last SHOUTcast Server 2 sc_serv 2.0 and Last sc_trans versions, as you see are many changes there including the config files.

Best regards,
That same now as new versions are available as:
SHOUTcast DNAS 2.0 and SHOUTcast Transcoder (SC_TRANS) 2.6.

We hope that either added to the new version

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Steve, can you give us some details that we have available in this super mega update:)

I'm sure we all want to know about this.

Thank you.
I'm very interestng about your product but until now, I'm waiting for a date for the public release.

My team need it in september, you promise the new version to this summer : could we hope to buy it before the end of august ?

Thank you for your answer :)

MixCity Radio
www.mixcity.fm | Electro Rock Music
so far there is no upgrade, when will it be ......
with good luck and we have the new version the last month of this year hahah :)
Well as we see the testing thread went up at the top so around 4-5 months really looking forward to it :)