CLI interface error V2

Read 14059 times

After trying version 3 and having no luck with it I un-installed it as per the procedures posted within the V3 forum area.

I then went back to my V2 installation to find a blank white login screen! So ran the diagnostic.php page to see what was up. Well it appears all is OK except for the CLI interface error.

I therefore ran: php -q /home/centovacast/system/ccmanage.php version check all

resulting in the following error below.

PHP Fatal error:  Undefined constant 'TBL_CAT' in /home/centovacast/system/sql.php on line 0

Anyone got any ideas as looking at the start of this files (sql.php) relates to ioncube loader and this is defiantly running as I have other software that uses it also.

Would be grateful for any advice.
This indicates that you are using PHP v5.3. The PHP developers made several changes in PHP v5.3 which broke backwards-compatibility with code designed for previous versions of PHP.

We have a patch for the TBL_CAT error available at:

Just unpack it and copy sql.php to /home/centovacast/system to install it.

The next version of Centova Cast (currently under heavy development) will have this workaround built-in.

Also note that PHP v5.3 introduces a number of incompatibilities with previous versions of the ionCube loaders as well which result in "Invalid opcode" errors in ionCube-encoded scripts like Centova Cast, so you will also need to get the latest ionCube loaders from and install those as well.
Hi SCstreaming,

Many thanks for the SQL file it worked a treat, now the odd thing is we upgraded to PHP 5.3 sometime ago as part of the ASL 2.0 daily updates from the Atomic repo.

Now having the CLI interface error fixed I seem to have hit another one regarding my licence.

ERR This installation of Centova Cast is using an expired license key. Please contact an administrator for assistance. .

I had tried the re-issue license which works for a few hours so used the licenseupdate.php script and entered my license key and run the appropriate SSH command given which seems to have sorted it all out.

This must be something to do with me trying Beta V3 and somehow screwing up my license when I reissued it to try out V3, thought I would just mention it encase other find they are in the same position as I was.

Many thanks again for your swift reply and great support.  ;)