A Do Not Repeat This Artist for Auto DJ

Read 2084 times
A competitor to Centova Panel called Everest Cast Pro has a solution for stopping the Auto DJ from repeating an Artist too soon after it has already played.

You can select that an Artist does not play again until a certain number of tracks have already played, you can select between 1-30 tracks.

This is a VERY useful feature for the Auto DJ.

Would like to see this ability implemented in the Centova panel, please?

Thank You Very Much,

305 Stream, Inc.
Miami, FL USA
Professional Streaming Services www.305streamhd.com
+1 (This is by far the most important feature that is still missing.)

After 9 years of waiting for this feature from Centova, we have started to evaluate other control panels… So far, we’ve tested out MediaCP, but even though it supports artist repeat protection, it still suffers from both crossfading and random track starvation issues.  Everest Cast Pro is next...