Error Message on my server after ./

Read 11907 times
Hello !

I have just order Centova and i have this problem.

I download my 32Bit Centos 5.6 version file, i try to install it and after ./ command i get this error message from my server:

One or more errors were detected with your system configuration:

Unable to spawn external processes.  Is shell_exec() disabled via disable_functions in /etc/php.ini (or /etc/php.d)?

Please correct the above problems and then restart this installation

Please can someone help me what is this message and what i have to do ?
Do you have

msn (add megadealhositng (at) live (dot) 
skype (add megadealhosting) 

or some other chat facility?

i might be able to help you a lot faster if you do.

This means you have a problem with your PHP CLI interfase.

You can find a compleate article about how to verify issues with PHP CLI at this KB article