Centova 3 API Access

Read 4629 times
Hi guys, i know that 3.0 is still beta but i really need your help for one thing.

This is my api request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request class="system" method="version">
<password>my admin password</password>

but it does not accept my request and returns "Invalid username or password".

I read all the documentation on the api for c3 but could not find the answer.

What are the necessary parameters ? Is it only the password and is it the admin password and shoud it be crypted and if so what encryption exactly.

Is there something i should enable in the control panel for api access.

Im trying for days to figure this out. Im waiting for centova3 so i can order ot right away but i must be fully prepared before that.

Do you have any information how soon will be the final release of centovacast3 ?
admin pass should be in format as "admin|adminpass"
is it <password> parameter again and should it be crypted in some way ?

Is id <password>admin|mypassword</password> or ot should be <password>admin|mypass hash</password> ?

If there is an encryption which type should it be ?
You don't need to use "admin|password".  Consult the API docs to see where that's used... but it's not used here.

Your XML is valid, so most likely you actually ARE just using the wrong password.

I used your XML verbatim and just plugged in my own password and it works fine here:

Code: [Select]
root@web:~# wget -q -O- http://10.0.x.x:2199/api.php --post-data='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><centovacast><request class="system" method="version"><password>xxxx</password></request></centovacast>'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><centovacast version="3.0.0rc1" host="10.0.x.x:2199"><response type="success"><message>Centova Cast v3.0.0rc1</message><data><web>  <version>3.0.0rc1</version>
Thank you. It was really wrong password. I changed my password but forgot to change it in the api request.