ProFTPD integration With Centovacast

Read 12556 times
I am a new user of Centovacast. I successfully installed Centovacast on my CentOS 5 server running directAdmin, but got one error about ProFTPD integration.
The error I received is below:
Configuring ProFTPd ...
ERROR: Your ProFTPd installation is already setup to authenticate against
another user list.  If you have previously installed Centova Cast on this
server, this is harmless -- you can ignore this message and FTP integration
will work fine.
If you are using other software on this server (such as the DirectAdmin
web hosting control panel) which uses ProFTPd's AuthUserFile feature,
proceeding would break the existing integration mechanism, so Centova
Cast FTP integration has been aborted.
I created a virtual host in a file, which is attached here, to see if I could force integration, but apparently not.
The file, named proftpd.centovacast.txt, is the original virtual host file from my CentOS machine, named proftpd.centovacast.conf.
I'm told you need to configure a second IP, my server has 5, and I've assigned my domain to 1 of the 5 IP's and put that IP as virtual host. I've done all that in the attached Text file, but upon Centovacast install, it didn't see such integration changes.
I wish to use passwd authentication, as I do not wish to recompile ProFTPD.
Perhaps maybe someone can have a look at the attached file and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Also, if I do get integration to work will I have to reinstall Centovacast for it to know of said integration?
Thanks for any assistance that can be provided.
Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 03:49:00 pm by hawk