Few features i think are needed

Read 19453 times
First of all a stream transcoder being able to take the stream and inputting the stream onto centova and broadcasting it at a different bit rate.

Secondly for broadcast users to set up accounts therefore having logs so the administrator of the station can see when each user connected etc.
in addition  having the stream override accounts to be set permissions for which page they can visit for example allowing a specific user to edit the playlist but nothing else.
Hi Tim,

Totally with you on the Stream Transcoding! Especially as one of the inferior competitors has had it for months now, although it isn't the easiest thing to work...

ST officially only supports AAC+ within Windows, rather than Linux, and we find that people want to trancode their lower bitrate streams into AAC+...

Secondly, if you are talking about group statistics then why not just set them up as a reseller?

In the New version of Centova (3.0) you can setup seperate login accounts and control exactly what they are allowed to do so that should sort your third point...
Also for the user accounts will they be able to connect to the stream to broadcast instead of using the stream details.
v3.0 will address the majority of use-cases for transcoding, although not using sT.  Details will be provided upon release.

Also bear in mind that sT development has ceased and it has been abandoned by its author.