Multiple issues in trial installation (Debian Jessie, cloud based)

Read 17238 times

I have the following errors during installation.

Attempting to notify web control panel of software update ...
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.
  > Download error details:
  > --2017-07-16 21:46:55--
  > Connecting to failed: Connection refused.
Error contacting your web control panel

And this one which I see it all the time even when I try to uninstall (which fails as well)

/usr/local/centovacast/lib/bashfunc: line 57: APP_.: bad substitution

Could you please help me ?

Thank you
Solved this problem myself.

I had t0 generate the certification keys for the web server based on my domain. Now it works.
Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 01:48:03 pm by nikalk
New problem, the web interface is running, the MySQL is running (I have manually created the database and the user for the centova) but the following error appears.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Could not connect to database: No such file or directory' in /usr/local/centovacast/system/class_CCSQL.php:40 Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/centovacast/system/class_CCSQL.php(53): CCSQL->__construct('centova', 'localhost', '', '', false) #1 /usr/local/centovacast/web/install.php(108): CCSQL::singleton('centova', 'localhost', '', '') #2 /usr/local/centovacast/web/install.php(436): install_database(Array) #3 {main} thrown in /usr/local/centovacast/system/class_CCSQL.php on line 40

What the heck is this ?

Please HELP!
After restarting centova service I get 502 bad gateway.....this is really frustrating...I just wanted to do a trial...not wasting my whole day troubleshooting....
ANYONE TO HELP HERE ??????????????


What is going on with you guys ???

Hello nikalk,

Note that the forums are usually last priority for our staff, and you will only receive a response after the helpdesk support queue has been cleared.

For your convenience, you should always open a ticket to our support department for issues such as this.

/usr/local/centovacast/lib/bashfunc: line 57: APP_.: bad substitution

This is because you are using SH instead of BASH to run the installer, it has nothing to do with generating certificates.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Could not connect to database: No such file or directory'

This is because you are using a non-standard MySQL socket path, either that or the MySQL daemon is not running on your system.

You will want to set your MySQL server to use something like "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock" for its socket configuration.

You can also try "/usr/local/centovacast/sbin/updatemysqlsocket", although this won't help if the database server is not running.

Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 12:56:23 am by Roger
Hi Roger and thanks for the reply.

I didn't know that a trial client has the right to issue tickets that's why I use the forum.

Currently I have installed the trial to a CentOS 7 cloud server which made the installation gone fluently. Apparently the Debian isn't so friendly with the installation script or Centova isn't friendly to Debian...

I still have some issues like that whenever I reboot the server (the VPS) the stream gets some time to start (actually, I can't see liquidsoap process running for a couple of minutes after the server is up and running) which I can't understand why happens. Also, I have a very common issue with the playlist and the repetition of the tracks. I have a playlist of more than 48 hours of tracks (unique tracks) and it happens to hear the same track played in a time less than 8 to 12 hours. Please note that I have changed the RANDOM_UNIQUE_PERIOD to 1440 from 360 but I don't see any improvement.

Moreover, I see problems with various parts of the GUI. For example, in the overview panel, current listeners are always 0 (zero), in the media, I can't see the total time of the tracks belonging in a playlist though the tracks are there and I can see them each time I click in the list.  The total time of all the lists is shown as zero.

Well, because I am really interested this time to buy Centova, I will open a ticket in order to get some answers for the above issues.

i had the same issue with Debian 9. Had to run on 8.
Still the same issues with Debian 9
Unable to connect to (a working) mariadb

root@radio:~# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/updatemysqlsocket
Could not detect MySQL socket path
No MySQL socket path found

Still the same issues with Debian 9
Unable to connect to (a working) mariadb

root@radio:~# /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/updatemysqlsocket
Could not detect MySQL socket path
No MySQL socket path found

This usually means that MariaDB is down, or that Unix socket access is disabled.

Try using "" instead of localhost as the hostname while filling up the database details during installation, this will force Centova Cast to use the network socket instead, which is typically available by default.

I will try again soon on a Debian 9 but i think the issue was that the install script simply fail (don't remember the errors) and doenst complete.
MariaDB was not installed, as well as others things if i remember correctly.

I will see if i still get the error but if this is the case you should really try on a fresh debian 9. Il must be easy to fix.
Last Edit: April 16, 2018, 09:27:14 am by crumby