Centova upgrade process with Icecast KH

Read 8825 times
We're running Icecast KH because we need it for copyright logging. I am aware that it is not a supported configuration with Centova Cast but hopefully this question can be answered anyway.

Centova Cast has a helpfully simple upgrade procedure. However, if I run it, it in theory will update both Centova Cast AND Icecast. Will it upgrade:
a) Icecast KH to a more current version of Icecast KH (desired outcome), or
b) Icecast KH to a current regular Icecast (DEFINITELY NOT desired), or
c) something else?

In other words, in a Centova Cast / Icecast KH system is it safe to run the standard update procedure or should I update Centova and Icecast manually?

What's the best way to *solely* update Centova Cast should I want to?

Many thanks in advance
--Richard E
When there is an update for Icecast, it will only update Icecast.  If you want to update icecast-kh, you must update that manually.

After you run the update, and it updates icecast, you usually need to run the following:

/usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICECAST /location_to_icecast-kh/src/icecast

(Replace location_to_icecast-kh, to your actual location)
(I.E: /usr/local/centovacast/sbin/enable_package ICECAST /usr/local/icecast-kh-icecast-2.3.3-kh11/src/icecast )
Stream and Web Hosting
Thanks for the tips!
--Richard E
Hello Richard,

Just to clarify, if you did install Icecast 2 using the Centova Cast installer or update utility script before setting up Icecast-KH, then the update process WILL update Icecast 2 (if a new version is available) and overwrite the path to the Icecast binary.

You can however, re-set your Icecast-KH binary path as pointed out by getstreamhosting, after running the update if necessary.

And also, if you run into any incompatibilities between Icecast KH and Centova Cast, feel free to report them to us.

While Icecast KH is not officially supported, we would still like to ensure that our users can run it without any major inconvenience.
Thanks for the helpful replies. I'll discuss any resulting findings here.

--Richard E
Can someone detail the procedure (including order, if any) for manually updating all Centova elements without touching the Icecast installation?

You should rename the file /usr/local/centovacast/etc/update.d/80_cc-icecast.update to 80_cc-icecast.update.disabled and Centova Cast will stop updating Icecast on your server.

I.e: running the update command will update all Centova Cast components, except Icecast.
Finally getting to this having been seriously busy for a few months...

Our Centova/Icecast-KH installation has NO Icecast update file in /usr/local/centovacast/etc/update.d, just (nn_cc-name.update) common, app, imaged, web, comet, control, ftpd, liquidsoap and shoutcast2.

1. Does this mean that it's already the case that a Centova update will not touch the Icecast-KH installation?

2. Would it be possible to write one that updated Icecast-KH?

3. We're running Icecast 2.4.0-kh4. Are there any known issues with upgrading Centova to current with this version?

--Richard E