FTP on non standard port

Read 6885 times
 As far as I understood Centova V3 uses a modified pure-FTPd daemon. Unfortunately, I have to use non standards ports for cc-ftpd. This is easy to setup configuration file /usr/local/centovacast/etc/cc-ftpd.conf to use another port. But if you are under firewall you need to open passive ports. It seems like you are using different syntaxes for cc-ftpd config file.

Is it possible to add similar line to cc-ftpd.conf like "PassivePortRange          30000 50000"?

Thank you! Merry Christmas!
As far as I understood Centova V3 uses a modified pure-FTPd daemon.

It seems like you are using different syntaxes for cc-ftpd config file.
Pure-FTPd does not support configuration files at all, it exclusively uses commandline parameters.  There's a perl script available to translate a text file into commandline parameters which is probably what you're thinking of, but we don't use it as it would require adding perl as a dependency for Centova Cast (which is not needed anywhere else).

Our "configuration file" is just a BASH script where you set some values to be passed to Pure-FTPd.

Is it possible to add similar line to cc-ftpd.conf like "PassivePortRange          30000 50000"?
It's not practical to reimplement every commandline option in cc-ftpd.conf, but I will add a FTP_OPTIONS setting to allow you to provide custom parameters to Pure-FTPd more easily than editing /etc/init.d/centovacast directly.

After the next build, you can just add FTP_OPTIONS="-p 30000:50000" to cc-ftpd.conf and restart.

Thanks a lot for the replay. Looking forward to see this feature in the next update. Thanks for the great product.