Crossfade Not Working with LiquidSoap

Read 11876 times

Has anyone gotten crossfade to work with liquid soap?

I've all the tracks loaded, cross fade set for 3 seconds on everything, yet tracks play in full. Silence. Then next track.

Any ideas?
Same problem here. Reported it to Centova but they seem unable to reproduce it... - stream hosting - radio automation software
Same Problem  for me
Got this reply:

Liquidsoap has a very interesting feature named "Smart Cross" which overrides your crossfading settings. What this basically does is it check the two tracks (we'll call them A and B) and performs the following:

a) If A and B and not too loud and close (meaning the decibel levels are similar), fully cross-fade them.

b1) If B is significantly louder than A, only fade-out A. We don't want to fade almost silent things.
b2) If A is already very low, do not fade out.
b3) If A is significantly louder than B, only fade-in B.

c) Otherwise, A and B are just too loud to overlap nicely, or the difference between them is too large and overlapping would completely mask one of them.
We intend to implement traditional crossfade support for Liquidsoap in the near future as this has been a frequent complaint.  I don't know if there's a bug in Liquidsoap or if the smart crossfade feature just... isn't... but the demand for regular crossfade has definitely been heard.
Steve liquidsoap is supposed to generate a log referencing why it did or didn't cross fade, I can't see it entered anywhere. Can we enable that somehow even so we can see whats going on?
I'd assume you probably can if that's something Liquidsoap supports. You'd likely just need to add the settings to the Liquidsoap configuration file.
We intend to implement traditional crossfade support for Liquidsoap in the near future as this has been a frequent complaint.  I don't know if there's a bug in Liquidsoap or if the smart crossfade feature just... isn't... but the demand for regular crossfade has definitely been heard.
When regular crossfades will be available for Liquidsoap? We have customers who complain and switch to other AutoDJ types... - stream hosting - radio automation software
 8) No patience no fun -- :P

The 3 commandments:

1) they're doing their best
2) they will do the impossible
3) they are preparing to perform miracles.

You should have more patience and give time to Centova team working on this.

When regular crossfades will be available for Liquidsoap? We have customers who complain and switch to other AutoDJ types...
Even within a single computer there are several clocks: notably, each soundcard has its own clock, which will tick at a slightly different rate than the main clock of the computer. Since liquidsoap communicates with soundcards and remote computers, it has to take those mismatches into account.
Don't suppose there is any update on this?

It should now work as expected, with the latest Centova Cast version