ccmanage command SQL errors

Read 3211 times
Three weeks ago I started seeing the following error when trying to import new music into a stream with the 'ccmanage reindex' command. Has anyone else seen this and maybe know a fix?

[INF] Importing new track: Triangle - Winter.mp3: Triangle - Winter
Error: Could not execute query
File: /usr/local/centovacast/system/class_TrackManager.php:532
Query: INSERT INTO tracks (`title`,`bitrate`,`length`,`filesize`,`filetime`,`isrc`,`pathname`,`accountid`,`artistid`,`albumid`) VALUES ('Shapes','320','279','11166720','1498183291','','Triangle & Siphlex - Shapes.mp3','49','134866','156037'),('Back In The Days','320','303','12142592','1498183289','','Triangle - Back In The Days.mp3','49','134867','156038'),('Impulsive','320','312','12506112','1498183290','','Triangle - Impulsive.mp3','49','134867','156038'),('Star Citizen (Zen Dub Remix)','320','294','11786240','1498183292','','Triangle - Star Citizen (Zen Dub Remix).mp3','49','134867','156038'),('Star Citizen','320','286','11479040','1498183292','','Triangle - Star Citizen.mp3','49','134867','156038'),('Winter','320','308','12356608','1498183294','','Triangle - Winter.mp3','49','134867','156038')
Reason: Field 'comments' doesn't have a default value
Call: $SQL->insert_query()

Thank you!

Party Vibe Radio
FYI this was an issues with changes in MariaDB 10.2. A workaround will be included in the next release of Centovacast according to Steve.