cc-controlo (not running) during cc restart

Read 3760 times
Well... i found that after restarting centova trough shell I'm getting:
Code: [Select]
Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd cc-web cc-appserver cc-control (not running) cc-imaged
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged

it happens a while after cc restart.

Like after running restart command after few hours when I want restart cc again I gate message like above...
I'm not having trouble with this. I have 2 servers running v3 now without trouble.

Have you run the restore permissions command?

Have you submitted a ticket too?
Stream101 || Affordable Media Solutions | (616) 277-7280
Hmm, is cc-control actually not running?  Or is the "not running" message actually incorrect?

If cc-control is NOT actually running, then something is quite wrong and this sticky would apply.  But if that's the case, you'd also be getting an error message matching the subject of that sticky.