Cluster host connection failure

Read 5540 times

I recently installed Centova 3 Beta and every so often my AutoDJ will just appear offline in the panel. Stats display nothing and everything but the stream is running fine.

I login to Centova and try to start and get

Unable to access account for plusindustry: Cluster host connection failure for Local server: Connection refused (111)

I run the following

/etc/init.d/centovacast status
cc-web: running (pid 4145)
cc-control: not running
cc-appserver: running (pid 4138)
cc-ftpd: not running
cc-imaged: not running

/etc/init.d/centovacast restart
Stopping Centova Cast: cc-ftpd (not running) cc-web cc-appserver cc-control (not running) cc-imaged
Starting Centova Cast: cc-control cc-appserver cc-web cc-ftpd cc-imaged

and its back to normal. Then eventually it will die again.

See sticky.