Centova cast email send problem show error ,

Read 2928 times

my Centova has stopped sending emails.
i have all the SMTP settings correct, ive even changed the password to make sure its all correct.

but when i press to send a test email i get the below message.  Any help would be much appreciated to help trouble shoot this its been an issue for a few days now and im lost what to do.

E-mail connectivity test
Test result: FAILED - Centova Cast does NOT appear to be able to send E-mails; an error occurred while attempting to send a test message.

Error sending message from noreply@myemailaddress.co.uk to support@myemailaddress.co.uk
Error: Failed to connect socket: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
Using SMTP: Yes
Subject: E-mail delivery test

Please refer to the Notification E-mails article section in the Centova Cast knowledge base for assistance with setting up an SMTP server to resolve this problem.