Re: Show Album Cover with Current Playing Song Title?

Read 7604 times
How about deleting the album art out of the code snippet on "Recent Tracks"? My album art isnt showing up correctly and really dont have time to figure that all out. Would just like to get rid of the art all together in widget leaving text only. I have version 2.2
How about deleting the album art out of the code snippet on "Recent Tracks"? My album art isnt showing up correctly and really dont have time to figure that all out. Would just like to get rid of the art all together in widget leaving text only. I have version 2.2

Unfortunatelly, this is not possible with the current code. You should post this at feature requests however, is more likely that it will be considered for v3 instead of v2.
It actually is possible by editing the CSS, but we don't provide support for custom modifications so you'd need some CSS experience to do that.  The relevant file is theme/widget_recenttracks.css.
There is a good tutorial to help you edit the css here.