How to install V2 NOT Beta V3

Read 23139 times
Hi all,

Unfortunately I had a major hard drive crash resulting in the loss of my V2 installation (I know should have backed it up) and wish to reinstall it, we for the life of me I cannot find the tar file?

My Client Panel has nothing in it that I can find although it been 3 years since I last installed V2, the following link no-longer works:

# wget

The above just downloads the sites index file  :'(

I have read: but it just points you to the main site which is no help.

Anyone that can point me back in the right direction would be a star, big time.


PS I am looking forward to someone making me look a complete prat when they remind me how easy it is to find the file!
Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 03:50:06 pm by Mark Carney
Well I am surprised to see no one has replied to the question  :'(

I have googled around for an answer with only this site and one other with much the same info looking like they might be of help but unfortunately they refer to the above link?

This one is for Debian:


So can anyone please point me to where I can get the centovacast-x.x.x-xxx.tar.gz file as thats all I need.

I mean this is all the Installation Guide says:

1.3. Installation Procedure

To begin, download Centova Cast from your client area at, and upload it to your server via FTP.

Well that's all well and good but I will be dammed if I can find it anywhere within my client area, licence well that easy, file nightmare, the download section for updates is empty and that's only for updates not installation files so where the hell is this elusive file.

Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 12:55:33 am by Mark Carney
When checking my backup restoration files it appears most of CentovaCast has been restored according to the diagnostics.php page as expected  with only the /home/centovacast/ directory missing so if some kind soul could zip up theirs ENSURING their own config data is removed (As can't remember if there is anything unique within that directory) I might be able to get going again.

Why do these things always happen at weekends when support is closed.  ::)
Hi Mark,

The /home/centova is a veryimportant directory as it contains all of your individual clients data, along with your individual panel config data and other important files.

The .tar.gz files are available in the client area, under manage product licenses, then clicking manage package, you will see the following and the downloads do work:

Centova Cast v2.2.4 (No loaders)
Centova Cast v2.2.4 (OpenBSD x86)
Centova Cast v2.2.4 (NetBSD x86)
Centova Cast v2.2.4 (Linux x86, 64-bit)
Centova Cast v2.2.4 (Linux x86)
Centova Cast v2.2.4 (FreeBSD x86)

It would be best if you have a backup of the database, to reinstall the server and reinstall Centova Cast, then just upload the existing database. I have done this several times when I've had to.

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the reply, what you have said is where I have been looking but mine shows nothing regarding downloads?

I have:

Account Package #1234
Status:    Active
Package:    Centova Cast Linux - Owned-Unlimited License
Signup Date:    Mar 15, 2009
Signup IP:    My IP
Comments:    None

Downloadable Files
All Centova Technologies product licenses include up to one year of technical support and upgrades from the date of purchase.

Your technical support and upgrade period expired on March 17, 2010. If you wish to purchase an additional year of access to technical support and upgrades, please click here. Your service will be extended immediately upon receipt of payment.


Account Information
License type:    Re-issuable - transferrable/refundable with periodic validation
License key: the all important licence key

License issued:    No
Licensed domain name:


License History
Domain name / Path    IP / MAC address    Issued    Invalidated

ID    Account    Amount
(USD $)    Description    Last / Next    Status    Action

So just because I no longer pay for  technical support it appears I am no longer entitled to download what I have previously bought!!
Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 09:51:03 am by Mark Carney
Can anyone tell me the current time frame  for responses to tickets as I have as yet not had one in 24hours and counting after leaving it all weekend knowing there would be no one there. This all started for me on Thursday night and its now Tuesday.

As a "Centova Cast Linux - Owned-Unlimited License / Re-issuable - transferrable/refundable with periodic validation " owner of this software I simply refuse to pay a further $96.00 support JUST to allow me the privilege of re-downloading my ALREADY PURCHASED copy of V2  >:(

I simply don't understand WHY all downloads are removed once your support has elapsed after all its totally within their right to stop you having access to updates and the like but NOT what you have already paid for!

Now if some kind soul on this forum is willing to send a copy of their V2 I would be very grateful or even just zip their Home/CentovaCast directory as that in all honesty is all I am missing after my complete (well seems like almost) server backup restore due to hardware failure.

This is all now getting very much beyond the joke, first all the licensing fiasco week after week now can't download your own PAID FOR files!

CRAZY  ???

I've PM'd you...


While I understand that you paid for your product, your access to the download area is included in your 1yr support/maintenance agreement included with your Owned license.  Beyond that 1yr if you did not back up your files you would need to renew your agreement in order to access the download area.  This has nothing to do with the issue this week; this has always been our policy and is pretty standard in the industry.