"Now Playing" Javascript widget doesn't work after V3 upgrade

Read 28481 times
Oookay.  There is no package called 'shoutcast', but the Centova update program seems to think there is and tries to update it anyway.  I probably specified an incorrect package to add during setup, but there seems to be no way to clear this error, and the Centova scripts did not detect the fact that this package does not exist and added it to the manifest anyway.  Thereupon causing every attempt to update Centova to fail with no direct way to repair it.

I solved this.  Going to the /usr/local/centovacast/update.d directory, I found the files that referred to the nonexistent package and deleted them.  After this I was able to perform the update and have it complete successfully.

Two issues remain:  One, the Centova scripts should not create update scripts for packages that do not exist.  Two, running the update did not fix the problem with the Now Playing scripts, which run only from within the web space maintained by the Start Menu, i.e.  http://yourservername.com:2199/start/yourCentovaAccountName

This proves that there is nothing wrong with the Javascript in streaminfo.js.

However, it is not getting whatever it needs in order to function, and this exists only in the http://yourservername.com:2199/start environment.  That makes the feature useless.
Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 03:38:10 pm by Krypton Radio
And now it's working on the test page.  The only difference?

Instead of sourcing the streaminfo file from the domain name, I used the IP address instead.

Suddenly it works.
And now the final puzzle. 

It works just fine here:  http://kryptonradio.com/nowplaying.html

But not here:  http://kryptonradio.com

And the HTML code I'm using and the way I'm calling the Javascript is identical.
I can't say if this is the issue or not, but the code you are using, there is a break in it, where there shouldnt be.

Code: [Select]
<a href="/tunein/kryptonradio.pls" id="cc_strinfo_summary_kryptonradio" class="cc_streaminfo" style="text-overflow: ellipsis">Loading...</\
a> (<span id="cc_strinfo_server_kryptonradio" class="cc_streaminfo"></span>)<br />

This part here:

May be try to fix that up?  And see if that helps anything there?

Should be:  Loading...</a>
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
It could very well be something as simple as that.  I'll try it and let you know.
Sadly, tragically, no.  The Javascript is supposed to replace the text in the DOM object with the id of "cc_strinfo_server_kryptonradio" and the CSS class="cc_streaminfo", and it's simply refusing to do this.

Works fine on an otherwise blank test page, but doesn't work on Wordpress, and I've no idea why.

UPDATE:  There was an update to the software today, and one of the things they fixed was widgets not behaving correctly when certain fonts were used.  I ran the update, and lo and behold, something began to spring to life, and I'm now seeing status messages that weren't there before.  I think that was probably the bug.

Nice job, guys, and sincerely, thank you.
Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 07:12:07 pm by Krypton Radio
yay for updates!  :)
CrossFire-Hosting LLC.
I repeat again this is JQuery issue ! Two options: you must substitute $  in streaminfo.js for JQuery, particullary on all places of code. $ is an alias for JQuery but it can mean other things in other Javascript languages. So there is a conflict between JQuery and other Javascript. In Joomla there are several tools that helps to debug JQuery conflicts. Search for "Wordpress Jquery conflict" or something.
Google maps widget doesn/t work as well.

I repeat again this is JQuery issue ! Two options: you must substitute $  in streaminfo.js for JQuery, particullary on all places of code. $ is an alias for JQuery but it can mean other things in other Javascript languages. So there is a conflict between JQuery and other Javascript. In Joomla there are several tools that helps to debug JQuery conflicts. Search for "Wordpress Jquery conflict" or something.

Well this is not the jQuery issue. I'm not using any other libraries than jQuery so I shouldn't have any conflicts, isn't it ?