Current Listener Locations map problem

Read 5484 times
The map only shows location of streaming server with it's ip address or stream name.

When checked JSON response for Google map, there is listener location item, but with empty lat and log attributes:

jsonp1355312925008({"type":"result","rid":"whl","data":[[],{"lat":null,"lon":null,"loc":"Serbia","code":"rs"},{"lat":47.3957,"lon":2.6566,"loc":"France","code":"fr"},"WebHostLab Radio","Your location"]})
The item with the null lat/lon is the visitor's location, not the listeners' location(s).  The listeners' location(s) would be in the first element in the 'data' array, which is set to an empty array ([]) meaning no listeners.

As for the visitor's location, the fact that it had the 'code' element set to 'rs' (for Serbia) means that the GeoIP lookup worked, but simply did not have latitude/longitude information for that particular IP address.  So that's not a bug, it's just information that is not available.
Ok, thanks for the explanation.

When I listen the radio stream from Winamp, the map and JSON "data" array are also again empty.

If I go to "Listeners" area in user account and listen the radio from Winamp, it shows the current listeners statistics correctly but again with an empty map?
Most likely you viewed the map just before you tuned in, so the JSON response for the listener list was cached, and then you tuned in and checked the map, but received the cached JSON response with no listeners.

I just tuned in to your stream and then hit your start page and it showed me just fine on the map, so I doubt there's a bug here.

I have been listening the stream for about 15 minutes over Winamp and over phone with mobile network. And neither of two didn't showed up on map. Also couple of my friends from Serbia confirm this.

On the other hand, friend from Calgary confirmed that she did showed up on map when listening the radio. Guess the map doesn't like my country very much :)
Again, if the GeoIP database doesn't contain latitude/longitude data for a given IP address, it won't show up on the map.  Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that as the GeoIP database is not under our control.

You might want to try grabbing the latest GeoIP database from MaxMind per our KB to see if it includes those IPs.  Just use /usr/local/centovacast/system/geoip/ for v3 instead of /home/centovacast/system/geoip/ for v2.