Listeners Bug

Read 16973 times
Hey Steve.

It seems the listeners info on the client summery is not working..

The following listeners are tuned-in now:

i have 1 listener listed in CC.
while in the website itself..i have 8 listeners connected (streaminfo.js sends this stats, its pretty accurate all the time) yet Centova dont list it.

I have an error when i open inspect element:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Could this be the problem?
It seems the listeners info on the client summery is not working..
I can't reproduce this at all.

i have 1 listener listed in CC.
while in the website itself..i have 8 listeners connected (streaminfo.js sends this stats, its pretty accurate all the time) yet Centova dont list it.
That's... interesting... given that streaminfo.js is in fact the very same script that's used in the client area to display the listener count.  (View-source any page in the client area and you'll find the streaminfo.js reference in the <HEAD> section.)

The way this works is, Centova Cast initially displays the meter HTML using a cached listener count (most metrics in the client area are cached for 60sec, including this) and then once the page loads, streaminfo.js is used to do an initial update of the listener count, and continue periodically updating it while the page is open.

The only thing I can think of is that you're getting a JavaScript error on the page which is preventing streaminfo.js from loading.  Do you see anything on your browser's error console?  (To check this, clear the error console, then reload the Centova Cast client area and see if anything new pops up on the error console.)

I have an error when i open inspect element:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Could this be the problem?
No, but thanks for the bug report -- fixed this for the next build!
Hey Steve, Thanx for the reply.

Well..theres no streaminfo.js error. i believe its working fine...just to make things clearer..i ment the listeners report..->

The listeners count (the listeners bar in the main user screen is working fine and counting the real number.

whats not working is the listeners report (geo location, how many are there,and what client they can see from the image it only lists me (the last listener, ever lol) the time i took this screenshot it was 15 listeners online. (its in testing stages, thats why so low ;)

Any thoughts?
Ahh OK, well that's a totally different scenario... but unfortunately, I can't reproduce this either.  I tried it both on our main development server and on a couple of production installations and all listeners showed up as expected.

Is this an IceCast, ShoutCast1, or ShoutCast2 stream?

And what do you see in the listener list in ShoutCast1/2 or IceCast (either using the "Listeners" link in ShoutCast DNAS, or the "List Clients" link in IceCast)?
Its IceCast2 streaming with icescc.

List Clients show's the clients ip's and software used. Normal output.

I granted you access to my server to check the problem since you couldn't reproduce it..check your PM's.

Thank you :)

Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 04:51:14 am by guytrance
Thank you!  This ended up being a caching issue, one that was extremely difficult to consistently reproduce and which I probably never would have been able to track down without access to an affected server.

The bug itself was very minor and is now fixed for the next build.  Thanks again!

Your welcome m8!

But you might wanna check it again, it appears it gets stuck on 5 listeners (the first statistics it showed me) and all other stats in the reports section seems not to work also.

NB: I said fixed for the next build. ;) it..thanx :)
I have the very same problem here... 
Looking forward to that update ;-)
Check the build announcements -- it was released yesterday.
I found that users connected to other stream id are not counted.

I have 4 mountpoints and listeners connected to each.

Listeners count is showing just number of listeners which are connected to the first mount point.
Listeners count is showing just number of listeners which are connected to the first mount point.
That's by design -- the client area always displays info about the first mount point.  For the widgets, if you check the Widgets page, you'll find a "Mount point" selectbox at the top of the page, and changing that alters the generated widget code to work with the specified mount point instead of the default.
Thank you