Many, many errors with new SHOUTcast

Read 5283 times
I had several clients receiving serious errors with the new version of SHOUTcast (

1- 2017-05-06 14:05:50     ERROR   [MAIN] Could not open PID file `/usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/' for writing (Permission denied)

2- Station not playing on Tunein.  When trying to listen, it just times out

3- Can't listen on DNA screen on CHROME & FireFox.  When clicking the PLAY arrow on the bottom it doesn't play.

4- Information changed on Control Panel won't update on the SHOUTcast DNA page.  I changed the website url from to and then re-started the server in the Centovacast Control Panel.  The website information on the SHOUTcast DNA page didn't change and remained

So, I backed out version and put back version and BINGO, all errors went away.

Anyone else seeing these errors happen ?  What do we do ?

1- 2017-05-06 14:05:50     ERROR   [MAIN] Could not open PID file `/usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2/' for writing (Permission denied)

I already reported it. Answer was

The error message that you've mentioned is entirely harmless. Centova Cast keeps track of Shoutcast's PID itself and does not need Shoutcast's PID file.

Unfortunately there is no option to change the path to dnas2's pid file nor turn it off. It always wants to create it in whatever directory it started up in (in this case /usr/local/centovacast/shoutcast2), and that directory is not writable, thus the error.

But you are right. There are people who opens support tickets and ask about this error message.

2- Station not playing on Tunein.  When trying to listen, it just times out

Only Winamp and not all clients, right?

3- Can't listen on DNA screen on CHROME & FireFox.  When clicking the PLAY arrow on the bottom it doesn't play.

No problems here with this.
any one finded the solution to this, or what is the problem?
any one finded the solution to this, or what is the problem?

Not sure exactly to which of the three issues are you referring, however here is a brief summary listed in the same order.

1.- As mentioned above by scysys, this issue is caused by Shoutcast's default configuration, but it doesn't cause any problems, other than showing the error message every time it starts.

2.- This is a third party issue, either "Tunein" isn't compatible with Shoutcast 2 streams, or you are not complying with their requirements.

You will need to contact the third party for further support.

3.- The html 5 player included in the DNAS page works fine for us both in Chrome and Firefox, if you are experiencing this issue please open a ticket to our support department, and our staff will be happy to take a look.