wrong port

Read 4989 times
in centova host management, its configured as follows:
ip address:
post: 2198
role: master and relay
default stream ip: primary server ip
in server settings: Port range for new servers: 8000 - 8199
if i create a account the port is always the same 2199
example: Winamp, iTunes    http://primary server ip:2199/tunein/soundstorm.pls

help? thanks
That's not the SHOUTcast port, look again at your Centova panel, you will see the SHOUTcast port next to each stream, it most likely starts with 8 (ie. 8000, 8005) -- look at the link your provided, see the username in the url?
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com
I have got the same problem! after creation of user, centova automatically gives me the same stream links which also does not work!   http://primary server ip:2199/tunein/radio.pls

stream is up and running but through provided links by centova panel, we can not hear any thing!
Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 04:42:25 am by Nava
Nava -- that is not a actual problem SOundstorm has, I think he is just ovelooking the actual SHOUTcast port
-- when the stream plays but you do not hear music, that just means you just need to create your YP Hash or change your stream to private... don't forget to restart
My Auto DJ
Orlando, FL USA
Quality SHOUTcast Hosting http://myautodj.com
SHOUTcast Widgets http://shoutcastwidgets.com