Probem while install web admin...

Read 18065 times
PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant 'TBL_CAT' in /home/centovacast/system/sql.php on line 0
Please open a ticket with the helpdesk.  You just need a patch for PHP v5.3.
I also have this issue. I opened up a ticket  CL8-IUR5-952. Please help me to sove this. Thank you.
we have the same problem..already opened a ticket : CL2-JIZ3-971

We need the Patch for PHP v.5.3 too

best regards
Hello fellow, hello alex

do you resolve it or get the Patch.

maybe u can send us the patch for the PHP v5.3:

we are sitting in germany and the support will take a long time to answer!

Please help us!!!

I just bought a license to be installed in Ubuntu 10.10

I installed PHP v5.3 and have exactly the same problem.

How can I solve this?
I installed PHP v5.3 and have exactly the same problem.

How can I solve this?

Pretty sure I already answered that earlier in this thread. :)

To save anyone else the hassle of contacting the helpdesk, the patch is available here if you need it.  You may also need to upgrade your ionCube loaders as well, from here.